Understand the benefits of Monarch Brands becoming Hospeco Brands Group.

Understand the benefits of Monarch Brands becoming Hospeco Brands Group.

Monarch Brands is now Hospeco Brands Group.

Monarch Brands is a Life-Sustaining Business.

To whom it may concern:

Governor Wolf recently ordered all ‘non-life sustaining’ businesses to close. Monarch Brands is a ‘life-sustaining business’ under the following categories:

  1. Paper and Product Merchant Wholesaler; and
  2. Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesaler.

This is especially the case since Monarch Brands manufactures and sells commercial wiping products used for cleaning and healthcare remediation.
The holder of this communication is an employee of Monarch Brands and is commuting to perform critical operations.

Follow this link for a list of life-sustaining businesses.

Any question, please call:

Michael B. Dubin, Esquire
Semanoff Ormsby Greenberg & Torchia, LLC
2617 Huntingdon Pike | Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Office: (215) 887-2658 | mdubin@sogtlaw.com | sogtlaw.com | Bio